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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: That Shiz Slaps

Brewed by: Aslin Beer Company, Alexandria, Virginia

Description (from Untappd): "That Shiz Slaps! This is our new Doppelbock that’s giving us flavors of toasted bread with toasty, light malt. Dark fruit flavors of raisin and prune give a sweetness to this one, and the texture is satisfyingly full-bodied. With no hint of bitterness, this goes down easy & goes excellently with a hearty meal."

Would I buy it again? I'm usually a huge doppelbock fan, so I was excited to try a new one out. Unfortunately, this isn't a good example of the style. There is absolutely a hint of bitterness and it's not nearly malty or bready enough. If you're looking for a good doppelbock, this isn't it. I wouldn't buy it again.

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