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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Frail English Dark Mild

Brewed by: Lua Brewing, Des Moines, Iowa

Description (From Tavour): "With its soothing notes of toasted biscuit, toffee, and baker’s chocolate, this brew will cozy right up to your taste buds. Intense nuttiness and just a touch of malty sweetness make this a beer you’ll want to get right up next to. And with its smooth body and sessionable ABV, you can cuddle with this easy sipping dreamboat all evening long!"

Would I buy it again?: Usually malty beers are reasonably sweet, but this one is decidedly not. Toasted biscuit isn't quite right, it feels like this beer has been roasted. I'm not sure it's an easy-sipper though, I didn't find myself drinking it very quickly. In a completely different way to the beer from last week, this is also a heavy light beer. It's closer to being light and easy to drink, but still not quite there. So again, I'd probably pass.

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