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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Tropical Oberon Ale

Brewed by: Bell's Brewery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Description (from the website): "Oberon shines vibrant and bright in this limited release. Brewed with real passionfruit, pink guava and mango, this ale takes your favorite summer beer to new shores. Mini drink umbrellas sold separately."

Would I buy it again?: One thing is for sure: This was the cloudiest beer I've ever had. You can see the bits of condensed yeast in the glass there, and it looked even more unappetizing in person. Yeah, it all settled down, but still, not a great start. Honestly though, the beer tasted fine; not my favorite, but decent enough. But when it comes to beer, there's a fine margin for error, and the yeast is enough reason for me to pass on this in the future.

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