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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Hey Porter!

Brewed by: Rockwell Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from Untappd): "Dark brown in color with a creamy tan head. Aromas of grandma pulling the fresh-baked cinnamon rolls right out of the oven. Light chocolate notes up front move you towards lingering tastes of taking a bite out of a cinnamon roll."

Would I buy it again?: Well, this is actually the second time I bought this particular beer, so the answer is yes, I would. That was more down to poor crowler-filling technique, however. (There was literally no head on the beer.) I thought that would be the end of that, but then I saw cans at a local store, so I went ahead and bought a four pack to get the full experience. It's good, and you can definitely taste the cinnamon, but I was hoping for a little bit more. 

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