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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: People Power Oat Lager

Brewed by: Union Craft Brewing, Baltimore, Maryland

Description (from the website): "People Power Oat Lager pours a sumptuous, haze-kissed golden straw. Aroma of tangelo pith and a freshly mowed sweet-clover field. Bright and bracing bitterness, smoothed out by the subtly round and rapturous goût d’avoine (‘taste of oats’), with citrusy-fresh hops lending the lilting levity of a crisp, sunny autumn breeze."

Would I buy it again?: It says oat lager, which intrigued me, but in reality I don't really taste any oats. It's just a fairly hoppy lager, and the extra hops kind of ruins it for me. Not something I'd buy again.

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