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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: S'mores Porter

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Let's be honest, ain't nobody got time to start a fire, roast a marshmallow, and melt some chocolate— all for a dessert that's gone in two bites. That's why CJ Winpigler pitched the idea of putting everyone's favorite campfire dessert in a convenient 12oz bottle. You want s'more? Well, you got it. In 6.0% ABV liquid form."

Would I buy it again?: A couple years ago I reviewed Saranac's S'more Porter and had many good things to say about it. But it's been nearly impossible to find since. So when I saw that Flying Dog had one as part of their winter variety pack, I knew I had to get some. And you know what? I think it's just as good, and I'm sure I'll be buying more than one of these variety packs. Or, Flying Dog, you could sell this one on its own ... please? Save my wallet a little bit?

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