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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Operation Breakfast

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "We gave ourselves a singular mission— brew a stout with all the roasted malt flavor you expect from a waffle maker, plus the huge coffee and vanilla flavor of a cafe latte. Well, mission accomplished."

Would I buy it again?: This is a good beer, I won't deny that. It advertises itself as an "all-you-can-eat" coffee vanilla stout, and you know what? I think it captures the breakfast taste very well. But while I would buy it again, it's not something I'd drink very often. It's such a rich and thick beer, I don't think I could do more than one of these in a day. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Golf's Rarest Score Achieved

Most golfers have made a birdie. Quite a few have made an eagle, and quite a few have made hole in ones. The albatross (or double eagle) is rare, but when a few hundred million rounds are played every year a few are bound to happen. But then you've got the condor, or a score of four under par on a single hole. For 99.9% of golf courses, the only way to do that is to make a hole in one on a par 5, something which clearly doesn't happen every day. Or every year. In fact, it's only happened four times in recorded history.

There is, however, more than one way to make a condor. They aren't common, but some golf courses do have par 6s (like Fore Sisters, though I don't think anyone's getting to that one in two). Lake Chabot in California is one such course, as it finishes with a 675-yard par 6 that, crucially, plays dramatically downhill in a similar fashion to the final hole at Kapalua. You can get some long drives there, but the 540 yard drive that Kevin Pon hit is something else. Some cart path assistance was assured. From there, it was a simple wedge into the hole for the only recorded condor on a par 6. Man, it's tough enough making a two on a par 3, and this guy goes and makes one on a par 6. I'm very jealous.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: High Barbary Amber Lager

Brewed by: Fair Winds Brewing Company, Lorton, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Base of German Vienna and a touch of Dark Munich malts. Sweet, toasted malt flavor and aroma. Tettnanger hops in the mid boil and a finishing addition of Saaz hops for a hint of spice to the clean finish."

Would I buy it again?: It's time once again to compare a beer with the titan of lagers: Yuengling. Is High Barbary better than a Yuengling? Yes. Is it so much better to justify the extra price? No. I wouldn't say no to it, but I just can't justify going out of my way for it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Review: Maryland National Golf Club (Part 2)

It's time to check out the back nine at Maryland National, go here to see the front nine.

The tenth hole is a short par 4, playing 340 yards and somewhat downhill, but it's not an interesting short par 4. That's because the fairway runs out about 50 yards short of the green, so driver is a completely impractical option if you're a decently long hitter. You'll just lose it, not to mention the O.B. left and thick trees right. Really, a wood or long iron is the only option, and that's just not as fun. The second shot is a wedge over a native area to a small green with a bunker left.

The tenth hole.

The tenth green.
The eleventh hole is a fairly long par 4 at 430 yards, and it's at the highest part of the golf course, so there's some decent views. You do not want any part of that bunker right of the fairway, but if you avoid it left, you'll have a very long approach over a bunker to a pretty small green. There's a definite advantage to challenging that big fairway bunker on the right. This does compete with the second hole for being the best hole at Maryland National.

The eleventh hole.

Approaching the eleventh green.

The eleventh green.
The twelfth hole is very long on the scorecard: 250 yards. That's a lot of par 3. Luckily, the hole plays about 100 feet downhill, so it's not quite as bad as it looks. A long iron should be enough. This hole wouldn't be too bad in isolation, but there's an issue here that has to be mentioned: The routing here is terrible. A bunch of holes come very close together, and they're definitely in range of each other, especially from the tee here. I could see people hitting on to two wrong holes from this tee. Frankly, it's a bit dangerous, especially when someone like me comes along hitting the ball who knows where. Make the hole 50 yards shorter, and the routing problem would be alleviated. Well, somewhat, anyway.

The twelfth hole.

The twelfth green.
The thirteenth hole is sort of Maryland National's calling card. Not for any special qualities the hole possesses, but because you can see from Interstate 70. A lot of people drive that stretch, so a lot of people see this hole. I know I've wondered what it's like on the numerous times I've driven by. The hole is 540 yards, and the tee shot is pretty wide open. That pot bunker you can see from the tee isn't really in play. While in theory you could go for the green in two, I think it would be a bad idea. The green is elevated and behind some rather deep bunkering. It's pretty small too. It's honestly tough to hit, even with a wedge, so I can only imagine how difficult holding it with a wood or long iron would be.

The thirteenth hole.

Approaching the thirteenth green.

The thirteenth green.
The fourteenth hole, a 186 yard par 3, is not technically an island green since there's no actual water involved here, but this is an island green. End up short, you're dead. End up left or right, dead. Long? Also dead. There's a tiny amount of wiggle room, but this is essentially a hit the green or else proposition. I guess it's a bit easier than normal island greens just because this hole lacks the intimidation factor of a green surrounded by water. If you do hit the green, this hole is definitely birdieable.

The fourteenth hole.

The fourteenth green.
The fifteenth hole is a short par 5 and easily reachable in two, since it's just under 500 yards. That effort is significantly easier if you can hit hit a big draw off of the tee, since the hole bends pretty quickly out of sight. The second shot is semiblind, and if you're not going for the green, you'll want to lay back at 100 yards or so. Go further and a line of bunkers that stretches all the way to the green will come into play. If you are going for it, another draw around the bunkers will be beneficial.

Not much to see of the fifteenth hole from the tee.

Approaching the fifteenth green.

The fifteenth green.
The sixteenth hole is a very strange hole. It's 340 yards, so it's a pretty short par 4, and while the stream cutting across the fairway certainly seems like a good strategic feature, it kind of isn't. In an ideal world, that stream would cross in a place where it would either force you to clear it with a full driver or make you lay up with a long iron or fairway wood. This stream is only 200 yards from the tee, so if you want to lay up, you may have to use as little as a mid iron, leaving yourself an awfully long second shot on such a short hole. The obvious play then is a driver, but there is not a lot of room past the stream, so it'll have to be a pretty accurate driver. The green is small and for once is open at the front, so run-up shots are possible. With some more room to breathe, this hole could be okay, but it's just too crammed in as it is.
The sixteenth hole.

Approaching the sixteenth green.

The sixteenth green.
The seventeenth hole plays right alongside the sixth, and they're fairly similar holes. Both play downhill and both have forced carries. There's a bit more room to be short on this hole, and a lot less room long. The green is pretty shallow, but pretty wide. Not a bad hole, but nothing special.

The seventeenth hole.
The eighteenth hole is a 435 yard par 4 which is quite frankly horrendous, especially when it comes at the end of a long and annoying round. For one thing, the hole is ridiculously narrow, wedged between a big hillside and a native area filled with trees. If you want a flat stance, there's like 20 yards on the right side, and if you go too far right in that 20 yard space, the second shot will be blocked out by more trees. Oh yeah, and if you go too far, the fairway ends in a big marshy area. Okay, it's pretty far from the tee, so it wouldn't be a concern for most people, but it is a big concern on the second (or third) shot. I bet there's a fair number of people who play the course who struggle to make the carry to the green. It's almost 100 yards, and that's too much for a second shot. The green is pretty big, but there are bunkers left and more marshy area right, so while it's not a tiny target, it's not exactly an inviting one either.

The eighteenth hole.

There's a lot to carry on the approach to the final green.

The eighteenth green.

I wasn't a big fan of Maryland National. The front nine isn't terrible, though the style isn't really my thing. The back nine though is ridiculously squeezed in, and you can tell that just from looking at the scorecard. The front is 3,600 yards from the back tees, which is something you'd expect from a course that's only 20 years old. The back is 3,200 yards though, which is surely not what the architect would have wanted. In my research on the course, I saw that Arthur Hills wanted the owners to purchase some extra property as what they had wasn't really enough. The owners refused and Mr. Hills pressed onward with what he had. And you know what? It wasn't enough land. Maryland National has big routing issues. The land is very severe, and you just need more room to deal with that successfully. So what we're left with is a course that feels like it wants to be big but can't because it's on a small course property. There's no breathing room.

The routing isn't my only issue though. Maryland National had very firm and fast greens, and ordinarily I'm a fan of that. However, the greens are also quite small, and more fatally, aerial approaches are required on most holes. Getting the ball close to the hole on small, firm greens where you have to fly the ball the whole way is an almost impossible task, and it results in a lot of putts from the backs of greens down the hill to the hole. It's just not as fun as it could be if there was less trouble in front.

Maryland National doesn't shine in terms of value either. It's $49 to play after 2 on a weekday, and considering that includes a cart, it's not awful. But normally it costs $70-$80 to play, and I'm sorry, but that's just way too much for what you get. I really, really don't see myself going back to play here, which is a shame since it's 10 minutes from where I live. I have my priorities though, and Maryland National just doesn't meet my standards.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: S'mores Porter

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Let's be honest, ain't nobody got time to start a fire, roast a marshmallow, and melt some chocolate— all for a dessert that's gone in two bites. That's why CJ Winpigler pitched the idea of putting everyone's favorite campfire dessert in a convenient 12oz bottle. You want s'more? Well, you got it. In 6.0% ABV liquid form."

Would I buy it again?: A couple years ago I reviewed Saranac's S'more Porter and had many good things to say about it. But it's been nearly impossible to find since. So when I saw that Flying Dog had one as part of their winter variety pack, I knew I had to get some. And you know what? I think it's just as good, and I'm sure I'll be buying more than one of these variety packs. Or, Flying Dog, you could sell this one on its own ... please? Save my wallet a little bit?

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Review: Maryland National Golf Club (Part 1)

I've lived in Frederick, Maryland, for more than 4 years, and over that time, I've played a lot of golf courses. And a lot of those courses weren't close to home. Even excluding those I've played on vacation, I've driven more than 2 hours on multiple occasions just to play one course. Meanwhile, there are several courses within 20 minutes that I haven't played. There's multiple reasons for that, namely price and the fact that all the courses in Frederick are thoroughly modern designs and that sort of course just isn't my thing.

That brings us to Maryland National Golf Club. It's a rather grandiose claim, saying that this is the definitive Maryland golf course. I actually remember this course being built 20 years ago or so, since I grew up just half an hour away up in Pennsylvania. It was designed by Arthur Hills, who's designed quite a lot of courses, though nothing fantastic. His most notable design is probably The Virtues (formerly Longaberger) in Ohio. So my brother and I came into the round with very few expectations. Well, we did for our first attempt. We actually played the front twice, since our first round was interrupted halfway through by a thunderstorm.

The first hole is a pretty mild start to the round. It's a mid-length par 4 with a pretty wide fairway, though there's really not much wiggle room if you miss the fairway left. There's a big bunker right that you'll also want to avoid. The approach is slightly downhill to a small green with a bunker right. You won't want to miss left or long, as the ball will likely bounce into trouble. Not a particularly difficult hole, but not an easy opener either.

The first hole, and yes, those are ominous storm clouds in the distance, and yes, they will be getting closer.

Approaching the first green.

The first green.
The second hole is probably the best hole at Maryland National. At the very least, it's fun. The hole plays downhill for the entirety of its nearly 600 yards, and we're not talking a little downhill. You could easily hit a huge drive here, so even though this is a pretty long hole, it's completely within the realm of possibility to hit the green in two. That is, if you get a good stance. That's something Maryland National has plenty of, for better or worse: lots of awkward stances. The fairways have been sculpted to have lots of little bumps and valley, so finding a flat lie is a rare feat indeed. If you can't reach the green in two, you'll be left with an awkward little pitch or wedge over three bunkers to another fairly small green that you don't want to go over. I wish the green was more open in front (get used to that phrase), but this is still a pretty decent hole.

The second hole plays very, very far down the hill.

Approaching the second green.

The second green.
The third hole is a par 3, playing 180 yards up the hill. Apparently it's supposed to be a Redan, but there's really not much in the way of slope on the green, so it's a very mild rendition. But still, it's best to hit a draw into the green. That bunker short left is not someplace you want to be.

The third hole.

The third green.
The fourth hole is a very long par 4, playing 460 yards from the back tees. Not only that, but it goes slightly uphill too. There's O.B. left in the form of the driving range, and several deep bunkers left of the fairway that you'll also want to avoid. The fairway itself looks incredibly narrow, but there is a bit more there than it appears from the tee. The green is perched up on a small knob, and the grass is cut short on three sides, meaning recovery shots from just off will be much more complicated. Chipping from the fairway is tough, especially when the green is crowned. This is a very difficult hole.

The fourth hole.

Approaching the fourth green.

The fourth hole.
The fifth hole plays parallel with the first, and the two actually share a fairway at first. Then they split at the big giant bunker, which you'll want to avoid here, just as much as you wanted to avoid it on the first hole. The approach is semiblind, with a bunker guarding the left side of the green. Much like the first, you won't want to go long. There's a big dropoff into trees just beyond the green.

The fifth hole. The storm clouds have gotten much closer.

Approaching the fifth green.

The fifth green.
The sixth hole is 210 yards, but because the green is so far below the tee, it plays a lot shorter than that. Conversely, the hole is basically all carry over a stream and a native area, so ending up short isn't an option. There's plenty of room long and right, so unlike a future par 3, there is space to bail out.

The sixth hole.

The sixth green.
The seventh hole is a fairly long par 5 at 540 yards. The fairway is wide at first, but about 275-300 yards out, a big bunker to the right eats into the fairway, giving a lot less space. That said, there's no trouble left save for some mounding, so there's no real punishment if you go that way. The lay-up is tricky because of a noticeable plateau in the fairway just beyond the the ideal lay-up spot. End up behind it, and you may have a blind approach. Going for the green is possible, but there's a pair of bunkers in front and the green isn't conducive to a draw, thanks to a chipping area right of the green.

The seventh hole
Approaching the seventh green.

The seventh green.
The eighth hole is another 460 yard par 4, but this one is a lot easier than the fourth, mostly because there is basically no trouble on the tee shot. One small bunker, that's all there is in the 100 yards or so between the seventh and ninth fairways. The second shot isn't hugely difficult either, with one bunker right protecting the green.

The eighth hole.

The eighth green.
The ninth hole is a short par 4, though it's a bit too long to drive. There's a pond down the left side of the hole, and a bunker on the right side, about where a bailout would end up. The green is in a small amphitheater, and is pretty shallow. The water guards the left front section, so a hole position on the left side of the green makes the second shot much tougher than when the hole is on the right side. Even with the water, this is a good birdie opportunity.

The ninth hole. From this point on, the pictures are from my second round.

The hole is a lot tougher when it's on the left side of the green.

The ninth green.
That's it for this week, next week we'll check out the back nine.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Virginia Cream Ale

Brewed by: 2 Silos Brewing Company, Manassas, Virginia

Description (from the website): "A tribute to our brewery’s dairy past, this velvety smooth, medium-bodied golden ale with a creamy palate feel, is crafted with clover honey, milk sugar, orange peel and natural vanilla. Best enjoyed fresh!"

Would I buy it again?: Lactose in beer is not something I'm always a big fan of. Milk stouts are often good, but the IPAs filled with lactose ... those don't work for me. For a cream ale though, I think it works great, and this beer is very good. The beer is fairly sweet but not heavy like a stout, and there's very little hoppiness. I'm a fan, and I would definitely buy again.