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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Irish Coffee Stout

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "When Steve Olintz pitched us the idea of an Irish coffee stout, he also taught us an old Irish blessing: 'May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. Coffee is for closers. Let's go eat tacos.' Indeed, Steve. Let's go eat tacos."

Would I buy it again?: Oh, I wish I could, but this is one of Flying Dog's Brewhouse Rarities, so they made it once and won't do so again. Which is a shame, because it's incredibly good. Better than any other coffee stout I've ever had. I bought a six pack in February and stretched it out until July, which was honestly a huge challenge. So, a note to Flying Dog: Make this beer again. That and the Cookies 'N Cream Milk Stout. Both top tier beers.

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