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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Goldtooth Belgian Blonde

Brewed by: Rough Edges Brewing, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "Easy-drinking delicious seven percenter."

Would I buy it again?: Well, well, well, we have quite an occasion here. Not for the beer, which is as interesting as its brief description implies. Not a bad thing, but I've had other beers like it. No, this is noteworthy because Waynesboro is my home town, and its first brewery opened there earlier this year. I've had a couple beers from there before this one, but this is the first I've reviewed. Like I said, it's okay but nothing special. I would recommend getting their "Monks and Trap" Belgian Dubbel though, that beer was extremely good. I'd definitely get that one again.

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