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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Twilight Of The Amber Ale

I won't say I'm a huge fan of amber ales, but they're a classic drinkable beer. The sort of beer you don't lead off with, but something when you're a few in and just looking to enjoy the buzz while you're out with friends. And they're perfect for times when you're sitting at home on a summer day after a long day and you just want something cold and refreshing.

But while I highly doubt any beer style will completely disappear, amber ales have certainly seen more popular days. Their height was a bit before my time (15 year old me wasn't drinking too much), but still, I like seeing amber ales on menus, and the Hopback by Troegs is something I get every time I go there. Now it seems like most breweries deal heavily in IPAs, which I can tolerate, and sours, which I really can't. Drinkability does seem like a lowered priority, which is a shame. Wacky, off-the-wall beers are nice on occasion, but most of the beer I drink is simpler. Don't get me wrong, I love Yuengling, but more choices would be nice.

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