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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Glenn Dale Golf Club Has Closed

And with an obituary in the Washington Post too. 

The ninth hole at Glenn Dale.
I've been sort of keeping an eye on the Glenn Dale situation ever since I found out the course was closing while in the process of writing my review for it (see here and here). I wanted to know why such a fun little golf course was closing, and now I have my answer. The place just wasn't making money, losing $1 million in the past 5 years. With that kind of losses, it's no surprise the sell-off came. And of course, it's going to be replaced with boring, bland suburban houses. 

In the grand scheme of things, Glenn Dale is not a huge loss. It was a neat little course, but nothing that would bring in golfers from hundreds of miles away. But it also wasn't one of the many soulless country-clubs-for-a-day that got built in the 90s and early 2000s that have since gone bust. It had a history. It meant something to the people who played it. There was a real Glenn Dale community, and it's unfortunate that things are coming to an end. 

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