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Sunday, September 8, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Good Juju Ale

Brewed by: Left Hand Brewing Company, Longmont, Colorado

Description (from the website): "A little Juju voodoo – fresh ginger kisses the lithe malty body, copulating with the hop in this pale ale ancestor. Emancipate yourself from the dead of winter, none but the vernal equinox can free the light. A refreshing frivolity. Hey mon. Shuccha fwangaa! Better a witch doctor than a trouble maker. Quit yor’ bitchin’ an’ get to witchin’."

Would I buy it again?: I doubt it. When I took the first sip, I was afraid this would be terrible. That the brewery would have gone overboard with the ginger and I was about to get punched in the face. That was not the case. The ginger is there, but it's very subtle and in the background. It's basically just a pale ale otherwise. Not bad, but nothing special.

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