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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Gypsy Lager

Brewed by: Fordham & Dominion Brewing Company, Dover, Delaware

Description (from the website): "This Munich-Style Helles Lager is brewed in the tradition of great German Lagers. Munich and Vienna malts provide a honeyed backbone that is contrasted with the clean bitterness of Perle Hops. The result is a crisp and refreshing beer."

Would I buy it again?: Yes, I would. This was a fairly interesting lager, there was definitely a bit of bitterness, but it was a good sort of bitterness. I enjoyed drinking it, and better yet, I didn't think it tasted like a more common sort of lager. It felt distinctive. So if I ever stumble across it again (which is probably the bigger issue), I'd be willing to give it another go.

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