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Thursday, June 28, 2018

More Delays For James Webb Telescope

One day, they'll get this thing into space. Maybe. The James Webb Space Telescope, the successor to Hubble, has had its launch pushed back many times. Many, many times. Apparently the original plan was to have the telescope in space by 2007. The new launch schedule is for March 2021. So close. So very close.

Also, $800 million is being added to the price, bringing the total up to almost $10 billion. And this new inflated budget goes above the limit set by Congress, which means that in order for the project to continue, it has to be reauthorized by Congress. We'll see if we can manage it in our current political climate.

Don't get me wrong, James Webb will do great work. Eventually. If and when it does get to space. But to pretend its development has been anything other than a mess...no. It's almost become one of those perpetual "oh, it's just a few years down the road" sort of things, and that's unfortunate.

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