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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: The Love Wheat Beer

Brewed by: Starr Hill Brewery, Crozet, VA

Description (from the website): "The Love is an unfiltered wheat beer, also known as a Hefeweizen. It is distinguished by its extremely light body and fruity aroma, finished with spicy notes."

Would I buy it again?: Well, I like hefeweizens, and this was a perfectly decent example of a hefeweizen. So I'll say yes, but qualify that by saying that I'm not going to be busting down any doors in pursuit of one. Starr Hill does make a double bock though, which is my favorite style of beer, and theirs is very good. Not my favorite double bock, but excellent nonetheless. So I will definitely buy Starr Hill beer in the future.

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