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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Woodbooger Belgian-style Brown Ale

Brewed by: Strangeways Brewing, Richmond, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Dark, roasty brown ale brewed with coconut sugar and dark Belgian candi sugar, fermented with Belgian ale yeast and aged with Bourbon vanilla beans. It’s no hoax. You’ve spotted the elusive Woodbooger. However, your adventure is only now beginning. Examine its habits and you’ll uncover footprints of caramel, chocolate and roasted malts with subtle traces of dark chocolate and fruit esters. It will show you a sweet side, tempting you to let down your guard. But you must keep your wits about you, because as quickly as it reveals itself, it will vanish."

Would I buy it again?: They called their beer Woodbooger. Of course I'd buy it again, the name is basically the entire reason I bought the beer in the first place. But it's actually pretty good.

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