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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Pounder Pils

Brewed by: Heavy Seas Beer, Baltimore, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Made with German malts and an plethora of European hops, Pounder Pils is an American interpretation of a classic European Style. Exhibiting a crisp malt backbone and an herbaceous hop profile, this Pilsner is quaffable and refreshing. This year-round offering is smooth and elegant showcasing a bright yet zesty botanical aroma. Named for the weight of their shot, the most common naval cannons were called 'six pounders.' At Heavy Seas, that means a six-pack of crisp, clean Pounder Pils."

Would I buy it again?: Yes. As a beer, it wasn't particularly remarkable, but the value was excellent. It cost a dollar less than most six-packs, and you get a pint instead of 12 ounces. So it gets a pass for that.

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