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Friday, February 3, 2017

Mars 2020 Rover: Is It Behind Schedule?

At least, that's the word on the street. It's a very weird street.

Anyway, according to NASA's Office of Inspector General, the new Mars 2020 rover, which is headed of to Mars in, uh, 2020, is lagging behind schedule in several areas. The biggest problems are that the sample collecting technology isn't where it needs to be, and five out of the seven main science instruments are on a "condensed development schedule".

What does this mean? Well, it probably means there will be cost overrides, and the Mars 2020 rover, budgeted at $2.4 billion, wasn't exactly cheap to start off with. It also means the rover might not be able to do as much science as was initially hoped, or it might mean the rover will have to wait until the next launch window. So, look forward to the launch of the Mars 2020 rover in...2022. They almost had it.

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