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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Waynesboro Municipal Grand Reopening

A full parking lot for once.
Every golfer has a home course. It may not be the best course, or their favorite course, but it is still home. For me, that course is Waynesboro Municipal, a little 9 hole course which had fallen on difficult times. A combination of mismanagement, a lack of money, and harsh summers had rendered the course, rough around the edges in the best of times, borderline unplayable. For more than a year, barely anyone played, and there were only about 30 or so memberships. It was in danger of closing, but luckily, the course was bought up, and things are starting to look up again.

On October 26th, the course had a "grand reopening" where golf was free. I can't remember the last time I'd seen the parking lot so full, but it's been years. The course is still in lackluster shape, but it is fall, and the improvements only started a few weeks ago. There was a closest to the hole contest and a long drive contest, which I am happy to report that I won, much to my brother's irritation. Hey, gotta hit the fairway to win those things. Won a free sleeve of Pro V1's, which I'll probably hold onto for years because I won't play at a good enough course to warrant using those golf balls in the foreseeable future. Also, Golfzilla was there, and well, umm, Golfzilla. Not sure what else to say about that.

Even though I can't imagine I'll be in Waynesboro for that much longer, it makes me happy to know that the Muni will keep going, hopefully better than ever. I played my first round of golf here, for nearly 15 years now, this course has been home to me. I hope now that it can inspire people to take up the game, just like I did. Wow, that's cheesy. Anyway, it was a fun day, sunny, warm, and the golf was...well, not good, but not terrible. Adequate, that's a good word for it. It's golf, can't ask for much more than all that.

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