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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Species of Frog Discovered

This is just a regular old leopard frog.
This doesn't sound like a big deal at first. I mean, it'll just be another random little tropical frog that no one will ever see, right? Well, no. It's nothing special either, it doesn't spit acid from its eyeballs or hunt birds or something spectacular, it's just another frog. So, why write about it? Well, this new species of frog is called the Atlantic Coast leopard frog, and it resides in one of the biggest cities on Earth: New York City. It is remarkable how even in the most dense urban areas, we can still manage to discover new species. Again, this isn't a new bacteria, or some simple animal like a nematode or worm, it's a frog. You can see them, you can hear them, it's an animal you could go out and find. Living right in New York. I just think that's amazing.

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