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Monday, September 1, 2014

NASA's New Rocket Coming Soon

Well, in three and a half years or so.  The Space Launch System is the first really heavy duty rocket we've had since the Saturns, and the SLS will have even more deep space capability.  At over 400 feet tall, the SLS will be able to send astronauts outside Earth's influence altogether, on to nearby asteroids or to Mars.  It's about time we regained the capability to send people beyond the International Space Station.  Sure, the shuttle was interesting, and the ISS is quite an achievement, but they're not very far away.  We've sent probes far afield, Rosetta is now in orbit around a comet, and New Horizons just passed Neptune's orbit, but they don't have quite the same impact that sending astronauts to those places would have.  So yes, this is good news.  A new, ambitious manned space program is a good thing.

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