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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Trademarking Pi

Apparently not even mathematical constants are safe from copyright laws.  Someone got a trademark the symbol for pi followed by a period, which is silly to begin with, and is apparently very determined to keep their trademark.  Now, I don't really care about this shirt store that has a bunch of pi shirts, but this entire thing is just baffling.  How could the U.S government give a trademark for that?  Are we going to have issues using the pi symbol in mathematics now because it looks suspiciously similar to this guy's trademark? 

Honestly, this sounds like a made-up story, and it might be yet.  I hope it is.  But I trust that particular news source, and considering all the details, I don't think it is fake.  I think this is only going to apply to shirts, I don't think we'll have to find a new symbol for pi because it got trademarked, but really, that symbol should never have been trademarked in the first place, in any capacity.

On a completely unrelated note, this is 100 posts for this blog.  It may have taken 321 days to get there, but considering there was basically a four month gap of absolutely nothing, and that I've split my content into three different places, it isn't terrible.  Just thought I'd point that out.

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