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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Beer of the Week

The beer: White Chocolate Ale

The brewery: Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, Missouri

Description (from the website): "There has been a long-standing tradition at Boulevard of releasing a well-crafted, mostly romantic, beer ahead of Valentine's Day to be shared and enjoyed with loved ones. This year we are proud to present White Chocolate Ale made with coffee from our friends at Hammerhand Coffee located right here in Missouri. Taking a cue from previous releases we've lightened the body, and kissed the beer with white chocolate, coffee, and vanilla flavor, creating a smooth partner for cozy nights in, or to be paired with the most decadent desserts."

Would I buy it again? It may not be Valentine's Day, but this is still a solid beer for any day of the year. It's pleasantly chocolate-y with coffee undertones, with absolutely no bitterness. You usually see chocolate and coffee flavor in heavy stouts, not lighter ales, but they work well in this. I wouldn't say this is an easy beer to drink, but it's relatively light, and I like that. I would absolutely consider buying this again.

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