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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Beer of the Week

The beer: Slice Sipper

The brewery: Sixpoint Brewery, Brooklyn, New York

Description (from the website): "We teamed up with Mike's Hot Honey to collaborate on this easy sipping brew designed for your favorite slice! Light and effervescent, Slice Sipper is a farmhouse ale hopped with Hallertau Blanc for bright citrus and peppercorn aromas combined with a touch of mild chili pepper heat from adding Mike's Hot Honey directly to the brew! Pizza sold separately."

Would I buy it again? This beer is honestly fairly good, with a pleasant spicy heat building on the aftertaste. Pretty easy to drink, and you know what? It does go quite well with pizza. Is it the best match with pizza I've ever had though? No, I don't think so. At least not with pepperoni pizza. The heat of the pepperoni and the heat of this beer don't quite mesh. I think a more typical wheat ale is a better match. I wouldn't say no to buying it again, but I also wouldn't go out of my way for more.

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