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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Griswold's Doppelbock

The brewery: Solace Brewing Company, Sterling, Virginia 

Description (from the website): "Rich, sweet, malty German style beer with flavors of chocolate and dark stone fruits."

Would I buy it again? I can't resist a doppelbock, it is my favorite style of beer. Unfortunately, while it's genuinely extremely good and I can't really criticize it in terms of taste (at least not in a way that isn't nitpicking), the unfortunate truth is that Troegenators are significantly cheaper (this was $12 for a four pack, while you can get six Troegenators for that price) and the taste is ever so slightly better. Nothing against this beer, I would absolutely never say no to one, but I can't justify buying it over my literal favorite beer. 

Sorry Griswold, it was never a fair fight.

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