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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Is Butter A Carb?

The brewery: Evil Genius Beer Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Description (from Untappd): "The only thing better than pretzels and beer is pretzels in beer, and EG has teamed up with Auntie Anne's to bring you just that. This crisp Oktoberfest-Style Lager was brewed with malt, hopes, and warm, soft pretzels for an extra dose of rich flavor. Don't get it twisted."

Would I buy it again? Perhaps I had unrealistic expectations for this beer. After all, the other pretzel-flavored beer I've had is one of my absolute favorites, and beer and pretzels are such a natural combination. And I think, if I had this beer in isolation without previous knowledge of Aldus' pretzel beer, I'd probably like this beer a whole lot. But I have had Aldus' pretzel beer, and this one just doesn't compare. It's a solid beer, and there's a bit of that bready saltiness, but it just doesn't capture the pretzel magic that Aldus managed. I'm afraid I just could not buy this one again. Once you've had the real deal, you can't make due with a pale imitation.

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