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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Jacques Au Lantern

The brewery: Evolution Brewing Company, Salisbury, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Our fall seasonal is an unfiltered amber ale brewed with pumpkin and spices, and fermented with a Belgian yeast strain. Roasted pumpkin is added to the mash along with traditional pumpkin pie spices creating a classic fall beer."

Would I buy it again? For our official Halloween beer, of course I was going to review a pumpkin beer. And fortunately, we've got ourselves a good one here. The pumpkin and beer flavors are extremely well balanced, it's fairly light and easy to drink, this beer is just straight-up enjoyable. Not complicated, but sometimes you don't need complicated. I would absolutely buy this beer again. Also, I like the name. Who doesn't like a good pun?

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