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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Carnival of Horrors

The brewery: Lone Pine Brewing Company, Portland, Maine

Description (from the can): "'There are three things that I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and pumpkin beers,' Linus.

"Carnival of Horrors is a menacing imperial stout brewed with pumpkin pie filling, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and vanilla, and is definitely worth of a straight jacket."

Would I buy it again? You know, I was really expecting an imperial pumpkin stout to really smack me in the face with pumpkin flavor, but the pumpkin is surprisingly subtle. I'm actually not sure I'd be able to identify the pumpkin if you offered me a glass of this beer blind. Don't misunderstand, this beer is good – with that list of additional ingredients, it's tough to go wrong – but I don't know how much of a pumpkin beer this is. I'd probably buy this again, because it is good, but not if I'm specifically looking for a fall-themed pumpkin beer. It fits the thick, hearty winter beer stereotype much better.

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