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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: The PastryArchy Cookies & Cream

The brewery: DuClaw Brewing Company, Rosedale, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Inspired by the iconic combination of chocolatey cookie crumbles dunked in delicious vanilla ice cream, we introduce you to a roasty, full-bodied white stout infused with cookies and cream ice cream, lactose, & cacao for a beautiful golden beer. Made in collaboration with Maryland-based, family-owned creamery, Keyes Creamery in celebration of their tenth anniversary and three generations of a family dream."

Would I buy it again? Apparently white stout as a style is just not something I'm into, because I'm really not a fan of this beer. The initial taste is slightly better than the French Toast stout from a couple weeks ago (it at least tastes slightly like cookies and cream), but it's got the same strong bitter aftertaste, and that absolutely demolishes any and all flavor this beer had at the start. I'm really, really hoping we're not seeing a trend of these white stouts, because I do not enjoy them. The Flying Dog Cookies & Cream stout is so far ahead of this, it's not even funny. Don't drink this. Have one of those instead.

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