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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: American Blonde Ale

The brewery: Aldus Brewing Company, Hanover, Pennsylvania

Description (from the bottle): "American Blonde is smooth, easy drinking and well balanced with a clean finish. Born of German yeast, English malt, and American hops, it is the quintessential American brew. This versatile beer drinks well; whether tailgating or sitting down for a gourmet meal. We refined American Blonde over the last few years to be the perfect stepping stone into the world of craft beer. Cheers!"

Would I buy it again? It's not quite as good as the last beer I had from Aldus, but it's definitely a very solid beer. Tasty, easy to drink, not too hoppy. I really need to get up to that brewery at some point, because I've enjoyed both of their beers that I've had. I would definitely buy this again.

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