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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: The Night Before Gingerbread Stout

Brewed by: Westbrook Brewing Company, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

Description (from Tavour): "Bold ginger and roasty espresso notes lead the sip like Zero leading Jack’s sleigh. Rich caramel and baking spice nuances creep after. The big ABV invisibly lurks like a monstrous toy in Jack’s bag waiting to bounce out and shriek 'BOO-ze!'"

Would I buy it again? What a perfect beer to review on Christmas day. A gingerbread stout. This one's a little heavy on the ginger and light on the bread, which is not generally the priority I like. I mean, it's fine, but it's not really what I'm looking for from this sort of heavy beer. I probably would not buy it again. That may not be in the holiday spirit, but a mediocre beer is a mediocre beer.

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