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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Fest Bier

Brewed by: Brothers Craft Brewing, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Fest Bier perfectly captures the transition into autumn, shifting from the crisp light Lagers of summer to a slightly darker, heartier Lager that is perfect for the changing seasons.  Traditionally brewed to be enjoyed during the long, hard working German harvest season, Fest Bier is the perfect fit for our local community and easily enjoyed by drinkers of all walks of life.  Whether you are hanging on to every last bit of summer or welcoming fall, Fest Bier is the perfect way to celebrate."

Would I buy it again?: It's not bad, but it's way too hoppy for an Oktoberfest-style beer. I prefer a more malty flavor, so I'll pass on looking for this beer again.

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