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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Wanderer

Brewed by: Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, Massachusetts

Description (from Untappd): "Wanderer is our unfiltered German-style Helles Lager. A meticulous, highly technical beer brewed utilizing traditional techniques and ingredients, Wanderer is crisp, bright, and immensely enjoyable. Wanderer pours a brilliant straw gold color in the glass with a puffy, bright white foam. It carries a flavor profile of doughy malts, light straw, clean lager yeast, and just the right dash of zippy noble hops. Beers that command your attention are a wonderful thing. Beers that can fade into the background and sort of be an unspoken companion to celebratory moments in life are also a wonderful thing and deserve to be held in equally high esteem. As a crisp, highly drinkable, and beautifully executed beer, Wanderer fits this profile beautifully."

Would I buy it again?: I've saved my favorite of the Tree House beers for last. Nothing fancy about this one, despite the rather long description, this is simply an extremely excellent lager. Smooth, tasty, drinkable, and perfectly hopped, it's a beer that easily passes my Yuengling test. I'm going to miss it once I've had my last one.

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