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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Honeysuckle Grisette

Brewed by: Mobtown Brewing Company, Baltimore, Maryland

Description (from Untappd): "A classic Belgian style beer, Grisette is an often forgotten cousin of the Saison with lower alcohol. Brewed with a ton of spelt & wheat for a soft & zingy body and fermented dry with an expressive Belgian yeast, we added just enough honeysuckle to lend a floral note that brings it all together. A refreshing, easy little beer for Summer."

Would I buy it again?: I was really curious about this one, since I'd never heard of a grisette beer before. So I went in having no idea what it would taste like. And the answer is pretty good! It's got the nice honey taste, it's refreshing, it's great for a hot summer day. I would get it again.

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