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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Oh My Gourd! Spiced Ale

Brewed by: Brewer's Alley, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the bottle): "A luscious and subtly spiced beer brewed with fresh, locally grown butternut squash. Inspired by pumpkin pie. Deliciously seasonal."

Would I buy it again?: I usually try to avoid Brewer's Alley beers since I don't really like what they've made. Their oatmeal stout is okay, but beyond that, it's pretty mediocre. But I couldn't resist this. A beer with squash? I've never seen anything like that. I can appreciate a different sort of fall beer. Unfortunately, despite being the oldest microbrewery in town, Brewer's Alley was just not the right brewery to make this. If someone else wanted to try, I'd be interested, but this is just not very good.

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