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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Pumpkinhead

Brewed by: Shipyard Brewing Company, Portland, Maine

Description (from the website): "Pumpkinhead is a crisp, refreshing wheat ale with delightful aromatics and subtle spice flavor. To celebrate the fall season, we enhance the pumpkin flavor with a proprietary blend of spices including cinnamon and nutmeg. A proper pint of Pumpkinhead is served in a pint glass rimmed with sugar and cinnamon and often accompanied by a shot of spiced rum or vanilla vodka."

Would I buy it again?: Sometimes breweries go too far with their pumpkin beer. While drinking a double imperial pumpkin stout or spicy pumpkin beer (never again) might be fun once, sometimes it's nice to kick back with an approachable pumpkin beer. That's Pumpkinhead. It's light, it's drinkable, and it's got a great name. I'd definitely buy it again.

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