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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Dunkin' Coffee Porter

Brewed by: Harpoon Brewery, Boston, Massachusetts

Description (from the website): "Beloved Dunkin’ coffee brings robust, roasty notes to this balanced and smooth coffee porter. This porter is our tribute to all the days that Dunkin’ has helped us fire up the brew kettle."

Would I buy it again?: Before the Hershey Porter from Yuengling, there was the Dunkin' Coffee Porter. Now, I am not a coffee drinker nor a regular visitor to Dunkin' Donuts, so I can't speak to how similar this beer tastes to their actual coffee, but as a beer, I enjoy it. It's a perfectly decent porter with a nice bit of bitterness, it's not too thick, and if I see it again, I'd consider getting more.

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