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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Saison de Lis

Brewed by: Perennial Artisan Ales, St. Louis, Missouri

Description (from the website): "A straw colored Belgian-style Saison brewed with chamomile flowers. It is fermented with a traditional saison yeast strain that imparts fruity and spicy notes that dovetail perfectly with the tea-like quality of the chamomile. Finishes dry, tart, and refreshing."

Would I buy it again?: I bought this beer quite a while ago, and at that point, I had no idea what chamomile tasted like. Well, in between then and now, I got a very sore throat and was drinking chamomile tea multiple times a day in a desperate search for relief. During that time, I learned that I really don't like chamomile that much. So a beer flavored with chamomile really didn't do much for me.

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