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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Cascara & Coffee Ale

Brewed by: Guinness Open Gate Brewery, Halethorpe, Maryland

Description (from the bottle): "Brewed with Cascara (fruit from the coffee bean), sourced from Baltimore's vent coffee roasters. Bold espresso flavors partner with subtle smokiness and dark fruit."

Would I buy it again?: You might be a little confused as to the brewer here. Guinness? In Maryland? That can't be right. Turns out this is that Guinness, and this brewery is the first time Guinness has brewed beer in the United States for a very long time. Why they went with Baltimore I don't know, but here we are, a bottle of beer that you can only get at the brewery itself. The beer itself is a bit spicier than I was expecting, not at all bitter, honestly it was pretty good. I'm going back next week, if it's still available I'll probably get it again.

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