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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: 120 Minute IPA

Brewed by: Dogfish Head Brewery, Milton, Delaware

Description (from the website): "Clocking in at 15-20% ABV, 120 Minute IPA is continuously hopped with a copious amount of high-alpha American hops throughout the boil and whirlpool, and then dry-hopped with another pallet of hops. Unfiltered and abundently hoppy, it's the Holy Grail for hopheads!"

Would I buy it again?: Definitely not. Now, I am definitely not a hop fanatic, but I was still eager to finally try out this beer. It's very well known, and my friends have had nothing but good things to say about it. Maybe I was expecting too much. But when I tasted it, I was thoroughly underwhelmed. To be honest, it didn't really taste like much of anything. It was extremely subtle and understated. Now, that's not a bad thing, per se, but this is a $10 bottle of beer we're talking about here. When I bought it, I wanted something spectacular. Something to make the insane price tag even remotely worthwhile. But I didn't. I was bored the whole time drinking this beer.

To be clear, the 120 Minute isn't a bad beer, but when a single 12 ounce bottle costs as much as a six pack of normal craft beer, it had better be beyond amazing. And it wasn't.

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