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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Saison Farmhouse-style Ale

Brewed by: Ardent Craft Ales, Richmond, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Our Saison is a pale gold-colored farmhouse-style ale. We use a traditional yeast strain and Continental hops that in combination imbue an aroma with a mild spiciness tempered with fruit. The beer is medium-bodied, with a slight acidity. It is effervescent and dry, with an edge of bitterness that balances the fruitiness of the aroma. A yeast-derived refreshing, spicy ale."

Would I buy it again?: Probably not. It just didn't grab me. If I were to end up at their taproom, I'd reconsider, but I wouldn't buy a bottle of it at a store.

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