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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Something Is Rotten In The Planet of Uranus

I had to do it. I had to make the joke, it had to be done. 

Anyway, if you ever find yourself floating around in the Uranian atmosphere, you would be very well-advised to not crack open your space suit helmet and take a whiff of the air. Well, other than the obvious "oh, it's minus 200 degrees, there's no oxygen, and the wind is blowing at hundreds of miles an hour." Turns out, there's lots of hydrogen sulfide floating around the Uranian atmosphere, which is the same molecule that gives rotten eggs its signature pleasant aroma. And given the similarity between Uranus and Neptune, odds are pretty good that Neptune probably suffers the same problem.

So, on the one hand, it's really funny that Uranus smells bad. On the other, given how people like to mispronounce the planet's name, we were so close, and yet so far...

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