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Friday, August 26, 2016

Picture of the Day #1

I present to you one of the greatest pictures I have ever seen, and trust me, I've seen a lot of really great stuff. I've been on the internet before.

That's right, it's Godzilla playing basketball.

This glorious (and official) image comes from a special 1992 issue by Dark Horse Comics entitled Godzilla vs. Barkley. Apparently it's based on a Nike commercial from that same year in which Godzilla played Charles Barkley in a little one on one.

I'm hoping to do this on a fairly regular basis, find some picture, either one I found or one I took myself, and post it up on here. You know, something to break up the long pauses between more substantial content, like my ongoing updates on Pluto, or my golf course reviews.

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