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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Rereturn

So, I've just graduated from college, and I am currently unemployed.  Glad to be finished with school, I'm looking forward to real life.  Since I've recently acquired roughly all of the free time, I'm making a comeback here.  Hopefully.  I've said this before.  But honestly, in this case, I really don't have anything better to do than this.  And I do want to make a habit of this.  Back in August, I just wasn't quite into the routine of this yet, so when things got busy, this blog got dropped.  We'll see if I can keep this going.  Will I back tomorrow?  It's an excellent question...

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