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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Beer of the Week

The beer: Caramel Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale

The brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, New York

Description (from the website): "The King’s magical court flourished with the alluring addition of Caramel Pumking. Savor the magical aroma of spiced pumpkin pie as it unites with the sweet enchantment of caramel in each sip. No matter how you celebrate the season, this brew is sure to leave you spellbound."

Would I buy it again? It feels a little early to bring out the pumpkin beers, but since they've been out for weeks already, I think I can square this in my conscience. At least I waited until September. Anyway, the beer ... it's great. Not much to say, really, it tastes pretty much how you'd expect. Thick, sweet, with lots of caramel and pumpkin. A beer to savor and enjoy. Yes, I'd get it again.

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