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Sunday, October 9, 2022

Beer of the Week

The beer: Chocolate Banana Split

Brewed by: Smuttlabs Brewery & Kitchen, Dover, New Hampshire

Description (from the website): "A well-balanced, deep and malty imperial stout with wonderful layers of chocolate, vanilla and banana notes and just enough alcohol to let you know this ain’t no kiddie treat. You know this one is going to be a hit when served in tall cold pints in all the coolest monkey bars."

Would I buy it again?: Honestly, no. I was pretty let down by this one; I was expecting chocolate and banana combined, but I only tasted chocolate. Which is fine, and the beer certainly tasted good, but it's not what I wanted. Plus, for an imperial stout, it's a bit on the weak side at only 8% ABV. Which isn't a bad thing, per se, but it is odd. Smuttynose (Smuttlabs is their experimental branch) is a big, well-known brewery, I feel like they have the resources to do better than this. I guess it was experimental.

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