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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Planning for Humanity's Afterlife May Not Be So Simple

This VERY LONG (fair warning) article raises an interesting point. The human race won't be around forever, and obviously, we don't want our entire legacy to be lost forever. So we leave artifacts of our existence that would last for billions of years, job done, right?

Well, perhaps not. Signs of our intelligence may not be so obvious to outsiders with absolutely no context as to our civilization. Math, geometric shapes, or even simpler types of art may not be immediately recognized as being artificial. These things can happen naturally, as the article mentions. And even if artifacts are recognized as being artifacts of some lost civilization, there's still the matter of context. There are languages out there that are completely incomprehensible to us, like Etruscan. We had a similar issue with hieroglyphics, of course, famously solved with the Rosetta stone, but then the issue becomes finding a truly universal language, something that will absolutely 100% be recognized as language.

Like I said, it's a very long article and I haven't read all of it. But it's an interesting subject, and definitely worth considering.

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