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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Science Things We Learned in 2017

Despite some evidence to the contrary, rest assured, smart people continued to push the boundaries of human knowledge in 2017. So, in the spirit of looking back and reviewing the year that's gone by, here's a list of cool things we learned in 2017. 

Some of these things are admittedly pretty esoteric. I don't think the fact that it's mathematically possible to build a time machine given the proper materials will do much to change the world in 2018, and the existence of the blackest material ever won't do much except weird you out a little. But some things we learned will make a difference. We identified a new organ, and a new type of diabetes. But all of these things, from the mundane to the obscure, are interesting, and hopefully we can make 2018 as scientifically productive as 2017.

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