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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Review: Clearwater Country Club (Part 2)

Alright, we've gone through the front nine, let's hit the back. The tenth hole is parallel with the first, and plays fairly similar. Easy drive, then a pitch to the green. Only one greenside bunker instead of bunkers on both sides though.

You can see what was pretty obviously a pond in the foreground.

The tenth green from the fairway.
The eleventh hole is a fairly long par 3 at just over 210 yards. We're entering the longest stretch of holes on the course now, and the most difficult. Well, least easy. I hesitate to use the word difficult to describe anything about this course. Anyway, other than that one bunker, there's not much to this hole other than length.

The twelfth hole is the longest par 4 on the course at a mildly lengthy 414 yards. There's a road to the right, and the driving range is left, but there's a ton of room between them, you'd have to be some sort of monumental idiot to not get your drive in between (ahem). All things considered, this is probably the toughest hole on the course. It's fairly long, and there's a couple of greenside bunkers to think about.

The twelfth from the tee.

The twelfth green from underneath a live oak.
The thirteenth hole is the first in a pair of back to back par 5s. I'm afraid I can't speak particularly authoritatively on this hole, since I spent most of my time on this hole on the next hole. But I feel confident in saying that there's not a whole lot to it. There's OB right, and anyone going for the green in two will have a fairly tough shot since the green is bunkered quite well.

The fourteenth hole is the thirteenth hole, but going in the opposite direction. Seriously, they're the exact same yardage, both are straight, and both play slightly uphill on the drive, then go slightly downhill on the second. Both have bunkers front left and front right. This one at least has the railroad on the right side. That's a cool hazard, I liked that. And it is in play, I had to hit off of it twice. Not on this hole, but on the last hole, and on the next hole. Yes, on thirteen I went so far left I went through the entire hole next to it. Fun.

The fourteenth green.
The fifteenth hole is the second longest par 4 on the course at just under 400 yards. The railroad is to the right this time, and since I wasn't satisfied with one trip on the railroad tracks, I went for a second. The train tracks are the most interesting thing about this hole and the fourteenth hole.

You can just see the railroad crossing sign on the right.

Here's a much better view of the tracks. I don't know if they're still in use. Probably not.
The sixteenth hole is a fairly short par 3, and is probably the best hole on the back nine. It's well-bunkered, and the green is decently sized for once. It's not an easy shot. Playing to the center of the green is the best play.

The sixteenth is just about the only hole that doesn't look completely apathetic.
The seventeenth hole is, once again, a short par 4. We had to get back to it at some point. The drive is open, but going left gives you the best angle at the green. And the railroad makes its last appearance left of the green. You don't really need to think about it too much, but it's there!

The seventeen hole.

This is a good place to hit your drive.
The last hole is a short par 4. Of course it is. There is a decision to be made on this tee though! A stream cuts through the hole 240 yards from the tee, so do you lay up or go for it? Very exciting. Either way, a tree and a bunker both suggest a tee shot down the right side. You know those golf courses that go for a really tough finish. This isn't that.

Does Clearwater have the bones of a good course? Maybe, buried deep, but it would take a lot of money to restore it. It's only 6,200 yards, and there's no room to lengthen it. It's not on a big property, and the town has the course completely surrounded. It would be nice to see it restored, but given the limited room, it would only be a curiosity, and I doubt anyone would want to sink a lot of money into the course for that. It would raise the price to play, and I doubt anyone would want that either. If I had to pick one of the two old courses I played in Florida to restore, I wouldn't pick this one.

So, what about the course that is actually there? I mean, I've played worse courses. Clearwater is a  good option if you're looking for an easy round, it's pretty well priced, and the conditions were decent. Good if you're on vacation, and on a budget. I wouldn't go out of my way for it though, if I'd traveled more than 20 minutes to play it, I think I would have been disappointed.

Next month we'll go through a golf course that's a little more interesting to look at. Here's a sneak peak at Wentworth Golf Club.

Yes, that is a blue sky.

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