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Friday, March 4, 2016

Good News for Alaska Golfers

Global warming is generally considered not to be a good thing. When it comes to golf, global warming threatens to disrupt rainfall patterns, making it more difficult to keep courses irrigated, and rising sea levels threaten to wash away coastal golf courses, especially the classic links courses of Great Britain. Not even St. Andrews, the home of golf, is immune to increased storms washing away its dunes.

That said, if you're an Alaskan golfer, you'll be very happy this year, because Alaska golf courses are opening earlier than they ever have. Normally, courses in the Anchorage area open in mid-April, but this year, they'll be opening this weekend, easily breaking the record (set last year) of March 21st. It's so unnaturally warm in Alaska this year that the golf courses are actually opening the day before the Iditarod starts. You know, the dogsledding race. The one that takes place in winter. With all the snow. It's been so warm they actually had to ship in snow this year to Anchorage so the race can begin. Come on guys, how absurd do things have to get before we do something really substantial about global warming? It's getting downright comical now.

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